Western Regional Strain Gage Committee (WRSGC)
A technical division of the national Society for Experimental Mechanics (SEM) established to promote a free interchange of information about strain measurement techniques using strain gages
Founded in 1956, the WRSGC brings together strain gage experts throughout the US to explore development and applications of strain gages, strain gage based transducers and associated instrumentation. The group meets twice a year, holding one virtual meeting in the spring and an in-person meeting in the fall. During the 2-day in-person meeting, formal presentations are given where the latest experiences of members are exchanged and attendees’ problems are discussed and often solved. Tours of test facilities in the host city are included. The meetings are in a round table format to encourage dialog between attendees.
The WRSGC is looking for active participants in industry who want to learn more about strain gages and their applications and who have time and support from their company management to contribute to the success of the group. To learn more about how to become a member of the WRSGC, please visit the Membership page.
Your Western Regional Strain Gage Committee Board Members:
- Anna Israelian – Chair
- chair.wrsgc@gmail
- Ravi Shukla – Vice-Chair/Secretary
- vicechair.wrsgc@gmail
- Eugene Tim – Arrangements Chair
- arrangement.wrsgc@gmail
- Doug Firth – Past-Chair/Treasurer
- treasurer.wrsgc@gmail
- Jody Cronenberger – Member at Large
- Domenic El-Achkar – Member at Large
- JP Silva – Member at Large
- Brett Hanson – Delegate and Advisor to the Board
- Jeff Stubbs – Delegate and Advisor to the Board
- Chris Lloyd – Webmaster